Embarking on a new adventure: The SharkTank casting call

Embarking on a new adventure: The SharkTank casting call I think we have a choice when it comes to mourning. I’m facing that now with our beautiful, money-pit of a home. I can stay and create a costly shrine and tribute to our life, or I can make a clean cut change and begin anew in…

Auntie PedieOne

The FORCE will be with us! Anti-PD-1 (aka MK-3475) previously known as lambrolizumab, should be available for expanded use in as little as 3 months! Our long, 2-day visit at the University of Iowa ended with great news – providing he has no growing brain mets, Kevin will be eligible for Anti-PD-1 in as few as 3 months, provided…

Dealing with Stage IV cancer? Look into Anti-PD-1

ZOINKS! It’s a cancer cell! What if cancer treatment is more like a typical ending of Scooby-Doo? The thug confesses, gives up and goes to jail. Most cancers do one thing well – they wear a mask to fool your immune system. Cancer wears a mask. To your immune system, it’s a pretty little happy…